Sunday, June 1, 2014

Lena's Sunday School Debut!

Lena did great in SS today!  This was her very first time in a structured classroom setting.  She was very serious but interacted appropriately and even created her first Sunday School art work.  A big thanks to Mary Ruth Wolf and the other teachers in her class.  Will, on the other hand, had a melt down when I took him to his and Hope's class.  As a result, he ended up sitting on the floor with me in Lena's class.  Will is having a hard time separating from me other than with family.  This is an issue we prefer to deal with rather than the opposite, so in a strange way we are thankful for it.


  1. Hi Tanya,

    My name is Lacee Steigerwald, a consultant at Children of All Nations. Although we are accredited to work with Moldova, I am trying to gather more tangible evidence that Moldova is a solid program to have a family move forward with. It is hard to obtain such information as families tend to keep their adoptions for the most part pretty private. Could we maybe have a personal chat? I can be reached at

  2. BTW, your daughters are beautiful!!! After having such high hopes for Moldova for so long, I am extremely happy to see this blog.
