Well, January got off to a busy start but it seems that every month does! I keep expecting things to slow down but I don't know why! Lena started K3 at St. James UMC and is going three days a week. This has been very good for her but even better for me. She also started Leap Gymnastics at St. James one day a week and loves it. She listens to her teacher, follows instructions, and stays where assigned. Now if I could just get her to do that at home, because she can really be very difficult to manage at times. However, she can be extremely loving and thoughtful, and she says the sweetest prayers!
Lena all ready for her first PJ and Teddy Bear day at Preschool! |
Will was finally able to have his second tympanoplasty done on Jan. 15. A big thank you to our pediatrician who helped to get his ear ready. Even after weeks of ear drops, a round of antibiotics and a shot prior to the surgery date, Will still had some infection. The surgeon decided to go ahead with it assuming that Will's ear may be as good as it was going to get re. infection. During the surgery, the ENT discovered Will only had 5% of an eardrum, so he constructed a completely new one. He also discovered that Will had a yeast infection due to all of the dampness from infections and he was able to treat that. Will has been a trooper! We will know in a couple of months if the surgery restores his hearing.
Will right after surgery - always smiling! |
Hope is busy learning math facts and reading. I continue to be blown away at the curriculum at Eastwood and all that Hope is learning. Hope's favorite thing in all the world right now is that she is taking art lessons every Tuesday. She counts down the days until she can go. Since Hope is all about animals, her teacher lets her paint her favorites which is usually some kind of large cat. We love seeing what she brings home every Tuesday. Below are her first two projects using watercolor.
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