God is amazing! Albina made it to Bucharest to submit our parerwork by the skin of her teeth! Her purse had been stolen the week before along with her passport and visa. Due to diligence and perseverance by our adoption worker, Albina picked up her passport and visa just prior to boarding the train on Tuesday. All went well at the US Embassy in Bucharest. Albina received Hope’s new birth certificate today and an important letter from the embassy in Bucharest. She will begin the process of applying for Hope’s temporary visa and passport on Friday. This is the real praise. The expedited passport that would take two weeks will now just take one week! Therefore, we will be able to leave on Wednesday, May 20th. We should be able to take Hope from the orphanage on Friday and into our family. Our visit/interview at the US embassy in Bucharest will probably be on Thursday, May 28th. This will put us back home on Friday in time for Andy to watch Dow’s first tennis match in the State Qualifying tennis tournament! God is good and in control!
I want to remind everyone that the Orphanage Shower was canceled. We appreciate all the items that you have given to us for the orphanage. We have three very large duffle bags full of items! Thank you all for your continued prayer support. Hopefully, our next update will be when Hope is with us!
God bless!
P.S. The pics above are of our son, Dow, on a mission trip to India in Feb. 09.
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