Will turned double digits on Sept. 7 and Lena turned 7 on Sept. 11! We celebrated with a night out at Kobe's - one of their favorites! The entertaining cooks never get old for the kids. Each time is like the first time. For the real birthday party, we celebrated at the lake. They wanted to celebrate together this year and even share the same cake. One might think they actually liked each other but that would be hard to believe observing them at any given time of the day:). Lena was really into the Little Mermaid this year and Will was all about Moana but he wanted a Cars cake.
We were thankful that Viola got to celebrate another birthday with them. Our new au pair from Brazil arrived later the same day. While she missed the party, we saved her a piece of the cookie cake!
Will and Lena usually mention having a big party but then they seem to settle for a family gathering at the lake. At this point, a party would be too overwhelming and stimulating for them. Maybe they will be ready in the near future.
Will enjoying his Birthday dinner! |
The kids always love the onion volcano |
Sweet Japanese lady singing Happy Birthday! |
Will's Cars side and Lena's Little Mermaid side |
Lena, Will, and Hope with Mimi and Pawpaw |
Lena got a mermaid for the bathtub |
Moana Legos! |
Our Little Mermaid |
Lena, Will and Hope |
Lena blowing out the candles! |
Will blowing out his candles! |
The birthday kids coming in to see their cookie cake and presents! |