This past week has had its challenges but good times as well. Hope, Beth and I headed to Inverness Country Club last Thursday for a tennis tournament. Beth played at noon! Remember how hot it was? Hope and I found a sliver of shade and Hope entertained herself with sticks and dirt. Andy’s parents were also there. Then the three of us headed to the Galleria to shop. We entertained Hope by feeding her those yummy fries from J. Alexander’s. Thanks to Beth, Hope will always be well dressed and have plenty of clothes. Beth just finds all sorts of “adorable” things for Hope.
Friday was a big day. Hope got to meet her Mimi and Pawpaw Payne, Uncle Bart and his family, and her great grandmother. She also got to see her Aunt JoJo and cousins again. We had such a good visit. Once again, Hope went immediately to my brother but would never let any of the “women folk” hold her! Then it was back to the tennis court in Inverness where Beth won her next two matches to clinch the consolation title. For the first match at 1:30, Andy, Dow, and Andy’s sister, Robin and family, were there. For the last match at 4:30, I was on my own. Hope was tired, hot, and basically miserable. I wasn’t able to watch any of Beth’s match. Overall, she had been a trooper but just reached her breaking point.
Hope started a really strong antibiotic on Saturday and completely stopped eating. In the mean time, Andy and Dow were in Macon, GA for the Boy’s Southern tennis tournament. Monday morning, the girls and I headed to Macon. Dow was still in the tournament and Andy had to be in New Orleans Tuesday morning. Another hotel room! At bedtime, Dow was asleep, so I drove Hope around Mercer University to get her to sleep. Otherwise, she would have screamed and disturbed Dow’s slumber. She still had not eaten anything except for a few fries.
On Tuesday, Hope began refusing her antibiotic and I mean gagging and spitting and slapping. I never knew she was so strong!!! By noon, I had gotten some in her along with apple juice and a few Goldfish. While in the van, waiting on Dow’s next match, I got all of that back. Hope vomited and guess what, I only had some tissues to get it up! Fortunately, Dow had gone to sign in and didn’t have to witness this right before a match in a 100 degree weather. Sadly, Dow lost his match, but we are so proud of how well he played throughout the tournament. There were six southern states involved. Dow was one of 11 from AL. We headed home. Hope did great on the three hour drive home. I tried the medicine again but with no luck. That night, she finally ate something.
I talked to Hope’s doctor and was informed we have no choice but to continue with the antibiotic. Andy returned Wednesday evening and we were able to get two doses down. We are so glad to all be home and together. Hope is now saying “uh-0h” and “Bet” for Beth. We can’t wait for her language and speech to develop.
We are on our way this evening to eat veggies at Chip and Christy Colees. I for one, can’t wait!